History of the foundation
Yayasan Islam Al-Qalam Amanah Ummat, previously known as Yayasan Islam Al Qalam, was founded in 1979 by Amin Djamaludin alongside some likeminded and future oriented associates. Together, they were members of District Islamic Youth Organization in Jakarta Raya.
Amin Djamaluddin and associates began their efforts with their protests against Rancangan UndangUndang Perkawinan (Marriage Bill Draft) which was tabled by Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (People’s Representative Council) lead by KH Idham Chalid in 1973. Alongside various youth organizations, they opposed the enactment of the aforementioned marriage legislation draft because its content was against the teaching of Islam. In 1978, Amin Djamaluddin and associates participated in the protests against the inclusion of Aliran Kepercayaan (theological agnosticism) in one of MPR-RI (Republic of Indonesia People’s Consultative Assembly) judicial act.
As a consequence of holding the protests, Amin Djamaluddin and associates were unlawfully imprisoned for a period of 11 months alongside of about 100 youths in Rutan Salemba (Salemba Prison). Amin Djamaluddin and associates were also temporarily discharged of their membership from Pemuda Persis (Islamic Youth Organization) Jakarta. Pemuda Persis also suspended all of their activities. These steps were undertaken by Persis as part of a strategy to rescue the organization from the government’s repressive actions.
After commuting their prison sentence and with their memberships revoked from Pemuda Persis, Amin Djamaluddin and associates founded Yayasan Islam Al Qalam (The Islamic Foundation of Al Qalam); Al Qalam means a pen in Arabic. Amin Djamaluddin and Hasanudin T.W chose the name Al Qalam because they frequently contributed their ideas to columns in local magazines and newspapers. Amin Djamaluddin and associates had wished to continue their efforts in writing.
One day, M. Natsir had asked Amin Djamaluddin, “What say you, Brother Amin, if Yayasan Islam Al Qalam is also disbanded (by the government)?”. Amin replied, “We will create another one. The most important thing is that we have the will to keep on fighting. We can always get a different name for our fights.”. To Amin Djamaluddin and associates, Yayasan Islam Al Qalam is one of the vessels in the journey to the true course of Islam.
For the purpose of reaching our goals, Muhammad Natsir who was a National Hero of Indonesia and the 5th Prime Minister of Indonesia alongside the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became the main contributors of our projects.
Foundation’s Main Activities
As a response to the change of times, Yayasan Islam Al Qalam Amanah Ummat aims to revitalize their efforts. In 1989 Yayasan Islam Al Qalam Amanah Ummat began the endeavor to enlighten and educate muslim youths by developing education curriculums which combine moderate Islamic values with science. The followings are the foundations’ contributions in education:
- Al Qalam Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta
Founded in 1989, the boarding school provides elementary and secondary level education to children who live in high degree of poverty, crime rate and population density.
For the purpose of building a nurturing environment, which is designed to fulfill the need to uphold a higher standard of morality and cognitive ability, our research has shown that Al Qalam Islamic Boarding School imparts a positive impact towards the realization of a virtuous and educated community.
The boarding school aims to undertake education challenges and moral adversities while keeping the cost affordable to low income families and orphaned children.
- Al Qalam Integrated Elementary and Secondary School in Depok
An education system with integrated Islamic values in its approach is important for young children and adolescents. There exists a critical timeframe in every child development age when he or she is capable of absorbing vast amount of information from their surroundings upon which their view of life will be built.
With their development potential in mind, a child needs to be surrounded by a conducive environment which provides some guidance that applies Islamic values where kindness and virtuousness are the main pillars for their upbringing.
Its curriculums are built upon the substantiative and essential pillars of Islam which act as a guide in the endeavor to produce highly intellectual and spiritual individuals. The school located in an area with a number churches where it’s necessary to bring the principle of united diversity. During the inauguration of the school mosque (Masjid Al Qalam), Muhammad Natsir had said in his speech, “We hope that the construction of this school and its mosque will bring about a brighter future. We must aim higher than providing high school level of education and I pray that our Muslim youths in this city will be able to build an Islamic University of Depok.”
- Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Qalam Bima
Statistics has shown that the District of Langgudu located in Bima County, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia has the third largest population below the poverty line in the province. It also ranks the lowest in the Human Development Index (HDI) while it struggles with the lack of man power to spread the teaching of Islam. We have been providing education to thousands of youths who are in their crucial development age of 12 to 15 years old by facilitating and sponsoring Education Programs at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Secondary School) level since 2007 at no cost to the students. Alumni of Al Qalam in Bima are encouraged and motivated to contribute to providing solutions towards the aforementioned challenges.