1. Pendidikan Inklusif Bima
Statistics has shown that the District of Langgudu located in Bima County, West Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia has the third largest population below the poverty line in the province. It also ranks the lowest in the Human Development Index (HDI) while it struggles with the lack of man power to spread the teaching of Islam. As our response to this critical issue, we have been successfully providing education to thousands of youths who are in their crucial development age of 12 to 15 years old by facilitating and sponsoring Education Programs at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Secondary School) level since 2007 at no cost to the students. Alumni of Al Qalam in Bima are encouraged and motivated to contribute to providing solutions towards the aforementioned challenges.
2. Lingkungan Binaan Menteng
Founded in 1989, the boarding school provides elementary and secondary level education to children who live in high degree of poverty, high crime rate and great population density.
With the purpose of building a nurturing environment, which is designed to fulfill the need to uphold a higher standard of morality and cognitive ability, some research has shown that Al Qalam Islamic Boarding School imparts a positive impact towards the realization of a community with an improvement in virtuousness and education qualities.
The boarding school aims to undertake education challenges and moral adversities while keeping the cost affordable to low income families and orphaned children.
3. Beasiswa Anak Daerah 3T
Al Qalam endeavors to send children from the remote areas of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), to receive free education in Jakarta and Depok. The hope is that after completing their education at Al Qalam Jakarta and SMPIT Al-Qalam Depok, they can return to their respective regions and make valuable contributions. This vision has materialized with the successful establishment of several non-formal and formal educational institutions, such as Al Qalam Flores and Al Qalam Bima, initiated by alumni who were educated at Al Qalam Jakarta.
4. SMP Terbuka
SMP Terbuka is a formal educational institution that is not standalone but is part of the main junior high school (SMP Induk) and provides education through self-study methods. Al-Qalam offers free education to less privileged junior high school students in the Depok area, West Java, by implementing the Junior High School Terbuka (Open Junior High School) program.
5. Lembaga Amil Zakat Al-Qalam
In addition to the trust of donors and the determination of the pioneers as values to be continued, the success and achievements attained demand greater responsibility. Therefore, the spirit of community cooperation must be managed systematically. YIAAU (Yayasan Islam Al Qalam Amanah Ummat) then established the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) Al Qalam to specifically accommodate the trust of the community in YIAAU’s programs.
The effort to cultivate professionalism, accountability, transparency, and collaboration between administrators and donors can lead to an increase in the quantity and quality of education within YIAAU. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on the benefit of both religion and the nation.
The Al Qalam Amil Zakat Institution is a platform that collects, manages, and distributes zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds from muzakki (those who give zakat) to mustahik (those who receive zakat).
Our awareness of sharing is not only a noble value taught by religion but also extends to the idea that a caring attitude toward addressing inequalities has an impact on education and human resources in the future.
Al Qalam Amil Zakat Institution takes the initiative to channel the good intentions of muzakki to the mustahiq through various programs we have created, including:
- Orphan and Needy Scholarships: This program is aimed at reducing educational inequalities. We believe that quality education is the right of all children in our nation.
- Rural Student Cadre Development: Several remote areas in Indonesia lack attention in terms of education. Addressing this issue requires a long-term, continuous effort. Therefore, we take the initiative to send the best prospective students from these remote areas to be educated at reputable schools in Jakarta and Depok. After receiving scholarships and completing their highest education, we hope these students can improve the quality of education in their regions.
- Rural Mosque Renovation: Al Qalam Amil Zakat Institution collaborates with Yayasan Islam Al Qalam Amanah Ummat to provide free education in rural areas. To maintain the existence of this good intention, it is necessary to renovate and maintain mosques, allowing them to serve as places of worship and learning in a comfortable and conducive environment.